Sunday, October 18, 2009

Yet Another Week In Science Class

This week in science, we concentrated on
microscopes. We had to learn all of the parts and their functions.

-The lens (eyepiece) is what you look through.

-The coarse focus makes big adjustments to your view.

-The fine adjustment makes smaller adjustments to you view.

-You carry the microscope holding the arm with one hand and your palm holds the base.

-The stage is where you put your slide.

-The objectives magnify your view.

-The body tube is also what you look through because the eyepiece connects to the tube.

-The stage clips hold the slide in place.
-The diaphragm controls the light.

-The mirror is the light source for the microscope.

We had to take an oral quiz which tested our knowledge on the functions and the placements of the parts of the microscope.

We had to take a written quiz which tested our knowledge as to where each piece is.

Lastly, we had to take one last quiz where we had to make a dry and wet mount slide.

We made up experiments with the chicken samples from Cheap Chicken Hut (the place we think is very suspicious.)With the chicken samples, we swabbed the chicken and then swiped the swab on to a Petri Dish. We did this with the mayo from Cheap Chicken Hut too, just with a different sterile swab and on the other side of the Petri Dish. We thought the mayo would have more bacteria colonies, but we found the mayo had tons more. We aren't sure this makes sense though, and neither does Mr. Finley, so we are going to double check our experiment.

We also made up an experiment with the pond water that many sick children swam in before they got sick. With a pipette, we took a drop of pond water on a slide and looked at it under a microscope. In one of the slides, we found many organisms, which included a Gastrostrich. Later, I will look up as to if the Gastrostrich or some of the other organisms are harmful or harmless.

That is what we did this week in science.

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